Montessori accreditation


Sheen Montessori is the only nursery in this postcode to have been accredited by the Montessori Evaluation and Accreditation Board. This establishes us as a Montessori setting of the highest quality.

Here are some highlights from the report:

Children are happy, confident and eager to learn, and also very respectful towards their peers and adults in the setting.

The enthusiastic team has a caring and respectful attitude towards the children and a deep understanding of the Montessori philosophy.

There is a strong partnership with the parents at the nursery and they are appreciative of the feedback they receive on their children’s progress.

Feedback from the (primary) schools has been very encouraging, particularly with regard to the children’s independence and how easily they settle into the school routine.

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Ofsted report


Sheen Montessori was recognised by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’ on its ‘Early Years Provision’.

Here are some highlights:

Leaders are passionate about continually raising the quality of their service to the highest levels. They are highly reflective and evaluate all aspects of the provision thoroughly. Leaders actively seek the views of staff, parents and children. Well-targeted plans help to maintain an inspirational learning environment.

Children develop extremely close and caring bonds with staff. As a result, they are confident and well settled, and thoroughly enjoy coming to nursery.

Teaching is of an exceptionally high standard. Staff present activities in exciting and interesting ways, which challenge children’s thinking and understanding. They skilfully recognise where and how to provide appropriate support and encouragement, to help sustain children’s enjoyment and engagement.

Rigorous staff monitoring, which includes regular peer observations and identification of training needs, further enhances the skills and expertise of the well-qualified staff team.

Leaders have highly effective systems to monitor and track the progress made by individual and different groups of children. They swiftly identify any gaps in learning and successfully put in place measures to ensure that these are rapidly closing.

Children, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who speak English as an additional language, make excellent progress from their various starting points. Effective partnership working supports the best outcomes for all.

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